Building Dynamic WebSites with Zope

Concepts, Components, Programming

Dieter Maurer

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
1. Dynamic Web Sites
1.1. Why Dynamic Web Sites?
1.2. What's required?
1.3. What's available?
2. Zope Overview
2.1. A web application server framework
2.2. Simplified architecture
2.3. Acquisition
2.4. Security
2.5. Scalability
2.6. Independence
2.7. User community
3. About the book
4. About the author
2. The Project
1. Visitor classes
1.1. Anonymous visitors
1.2. Friends
1.3. Artists
1.4. Administrators
2. Information objects
2.1. Search item
2.2. News item
2.3. Event
2.4. Annotation
2.5. Friend
2.6. Artist
2.7. News board/discussion board
2.8. Art piece
2.9. Exhibition/exhibition room/exhibition item
3. Services
3.1. Feedback
3.2. Registration
3.3. Log in
3.4. Events
3.5. Guest book
3.6. What's new
3.7. Discussion board
3.8. Searching
3.9. Annotations
3.10. Profiles
3.11. Alert email's
3.12. Home page
3.13. Content management
3.14. Group calendar
3.15. Exhibitions
3.16. Collaborative documents
3.17. Syndication
3.18. Electronic shop
3.19. Automatic cleanup
4. Presentation
5. Performance
3. Basic concepts
1. Zope site building objects
1.1. OO preliminaries
1.2. Interface ObjectManagerItem
1.3. Interface ObjectManager
1.4. Interface PropertyManager
1.5. Folder
1.6. File
1.7. Image
1.8. DTML Method, DTML Document
1.9. PageTemplate
1.10. Python Script
1.11. External Method
1.12. ZCatalog
1.13. Database integration
1.14. ZClass
2. Web publishing
2.1. HTTP
2.2. URL
2.4. Authentication
2.5. Cookies
2.6. ZPublisher
2.7. Special Zope objects
3. Name lookup
3.1. DTML namespace
3.2. Acquisition
4.1. General syntax
4.2. Object argument
4.3. Commands
4.4. Calling DTML objects
5. Site management
5.1. Through the Web management
5.2. Programmatic Management
5.3. FTP/WebDAV management
6. Security
6.1. Permissions
6.2. Roles
6.3. Permission and role assignment
6.4. Proxy roles
6.5. Owner restrictions